Doctorin Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).
Hehas exhibited his work at the Centro Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid / TheQueens Museum of Art, New York / Instituto Cervantes, New York / Location OneGallery, New York /Galleria Nazionale d´ Arte Moderna, Rome / Conde Duque ArtCenter, Madrid / Casa de América, Madrid / La Casa Encendida, Madrid / LaRecoleta Art Center, Buenos Aires.
Hehas received awards as the MarcelinoBotín Foundation Fine Arts Grant / TheCírculo de Bellas Artes Grant, Madrid / The Academia de España in Rome Grantfrom the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain / The Swatch Art Peace HotelResidency Program invitation / The 1st Photography Award. Young Art Contest,the Madrid City Council / The 2004 Fine Arts Award from the Madrid County / ThePurificación García Photography Award / The Generación 2002 and 2007 Awards.
Hiswork is included in the following collections and museum: Museo Nacional ReinaSofía / Queens Museum of Art / Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de España /Caja Madrid Foundation / Marcelino Botín Foundation / Arte XXI Foundation /Biodiversidad Foundation / Mainel Foundation / Location One / Laguna Vía NorteFoundation